When it comes to healthy-looking skin, what you put in your body may have a larger affect than what you put on it.
1) #Tomatoes – They have a high oxidant level and hence are considered the skincare superheroes. Tomatoes can be eaten raw or mixed into salads. Even consuming tomato based foods like sauce or tomato #juice can help clear up acne. Tomato peels also create a brilliant face mask to protect the #skin from being exposed to any UV damage.
2) #Coconut – There are different forms of coconuts that are integral in keeping the body healthy and skin glowing. The tender coconut water contains potassium that acts as the best natural remedy for dry skin. The coconut #oil on the other hand contains #Vitamin E and K, which helps in moisturising the hair scalp and making your #hair stronger.
3) #Berries – Eating the dark coloured berries like cherries or #blueberries helps in reducing skin #blemishes. They are high in oxidants and therefore help in controlling skin acne.
4) Green tea – Drinking green tea reduces the acne-producing hormone known as the dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Green tea bags also help in reducing #DarkCircles. Keep the bags in the refrigerator for 30 minutes and then place them on the eyes for about 20 minutes. Do this twice #everyday.
5) Brown rice – These contain a lipid molecule called ceramides that help to keep the skin moisturised and healthy. This molecule gets imbedded in the external layer of the skin, which helps to lock the #moisture, and hence forms the #perfect substitute to eating white rice.
Anjali Sanghvi Image consultant/Trainer/Stylist
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